The insulation applied to the wall can form the airtight barrier, but the benefit will be reduced by up to 50% if the gaps, cracks and penetrations are not also dealt with. These tend to occur as much in awkward places, such as floor/ceiling voids, below the ground floor, the first floor ceiling, as on the accessible areas of the wall. The solid elements of the wall will naturally be fairly airtight - but it is the gaps, cracks and penetrations that can be problematic. It has been well established that improving airtightness has a greater impact on heat loss than insulation. Kingspan 's solid board internal wall insulation is an insulated plasterboard with a thermal conductivity of 0.018 W/mK. Achieving that U value for solid walls will mean installing at least 100mm of rigid insulation (Celotex, Kingspan or similar) Current Building Regulations require a maximum U value of 0.3W/m2 and realistically 0.2W/m2.A solid stone wall will be around 1.7W/m2 to 1.4W/m2 (depending on the thickness).A solid 225mm brick wall will be around 1.9W/m2.An uninsulated cavity wall will have a U value of around 1.5W/m2 and there will also be a relatively high level of cold bridging due to the cavity ties.A lower figure means better thermal performance. The U value of a material is the rate at which heat (in watts) is lost through each square meter of the surface. The Building Regulations stipulate certain requirements when it comes to airtightness and heat loss that need to be achieved in order for your home to be compliant. What Building Regulations Apply for Internal Wall Insulation? Internal wall insulation is much cheaper than external wall insulation, in some cases less than half the price. There are grants available for internal wall insulation for solid walls for qualifying households under the government's ECO scheme. The cost of internal wall insulation will vary according to the type of insulation specified and the condition of the existing wall. The generally accepted cost for internal wall insulation is between £40 and £50/m2 - but it can reach over £100/m2 when a new stud wall is built. Skimping on the thickness of insulation as a means of reducing the expense of installation is a false economy the labour cost will remain largely the same whatever thickness of insulation is installed. Up to 60% of the cost of internal wall insulation will be labour.