It was the best review of math concepts I found while looking for assistance to prep for the ALEKS math placement test at the local community college in which I enrolled. They are well done, in a logical order, and I appreciate that they are short, explain the concept with an example (or more), and that there are practice problems in addition to quizzes and tests - all with the work written out and explained so I could figure out where and why I went wrong in a problem - and affirm what I did right. I first want to thank you for the MathHelp lessons. Although ALEKS gives you 3 attempts to take the test, I didn't want to have to retake it if I didn't have to.Anyway, I finally took the plunge (ALEKS Assessment attempt #1) and tested out of the prerequisite courses!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not exaggerating when I tell you I was close to crying when I saw my results.The lessons were everything I could hope for and more. 🙂 I had a high hope that these lessons, by some miracle, could possibly help me to test out of any prerequisite classes I would need. You explained things in a "relaxed and casual" way, which made the lessons seem more personable and one on one. I found that your lessons specifically, were the ones I was able to most understand. With that being said, I found the Mathhelp site, saw that there were great reviews, and decided to give it a try.Going through the lessons, some concepts that I didn't understand in high school, somehow made plenty of sense this time around. I knew that there was a possibility that I would have to take additional courses before I was permitted to take the courses I need for my degree, and that would have pushed my graduation time back, depending on how I performed in those classes, first.

Math hasn't always been my favorite subject, but as I'm getting closer to completing my degree, I could no longer avoid it.

Your lessons were phenomenal, and I would be remiss if I didn't give proper feedback.Let me just start by saying I have been putting off (and dreading) taking the ALEKS Math Assessment for about 2 years now.